Urban House Studio
Urban House is a professional studio for audio recording and production. We provide high-quality music recording, editing, mixing and mastering. We also produce audio materials for radio and television - movie soundtracks, ads, multilingual dubbing, jingles and others. We record and produce voice-overs for audio books, working with the best talents on the market and partnering with the largest publishers. We also make IVR.
We welcome artists in a homelike atmosphere and we work with love, patience and attention to details. Our studio is the first to provide scholarships for recording and music production of talented musicians and bands.
Urban House is a project of Foundation "Music for Bulgaria" - a non-profit ogranization.
Social Effect
Urban House Studio is a project of the Music Foundation for Bulgaria. We do our best to provide opportunities for the development of more and more talented Bulgarian artists and to encourage the creation of authentic and sincere original music in Bulgaria. So far, we have provided over 70 full scholarships for free recording and post-production of music.