„Под Моста“ е независима платформа за авторска журналистика. Нашият смисъл е да сме разказвачи на истории, които си струват. Каузата ни - да подкрепяме българската култура, изкуство и образование. Но най-вече да разкриваме смислените хора и инициативи, които стоят зад тях. Защото понякога „под моста“ се крият най-добрите истории.
The Stage is home to a love of music and other arts.
With us, it is possible to hold concerts, training, workshops, thematic meetings, and any other ideas that would support the development of culture as a society. There is a stage, professional sound, and a wonderful team.
The idea is to give room for bands (big and small), experimental projects, solo artists, interesting lecturers and any other projects that your love with perseverance and creativity.
Podlezno is a group of fired up young people who express their unique creativity by making our dark subways in a state of the art creations. The first musical subway in Bulgaria comes from thir imagination. When we, from RockSchool, met the team from Podlezno we resonated immediately and we wanted to help eachother with what we can. We from RockSchool helpped them with recording of an original song and shooting a video to it. We also helpped them organize a music event in The Stage. From their side they gave us a project for ennoblement of our backyard. Our idea is to have a long-term partnership with which we can contribute with what we can so that more people get fired up for music.
RockSchool, along with The Stage, is also part of "Music for Bulgaria". RockSchool is a music school where people from all ages can get to know music through various musical instruments such as bass, guitar, piano, singing, drums, bagpipe, violin and others. RockSchool regularly organizes concerts, workshops and many other events that help local music culture and unite people into a musical community
Столична община - Дирекция "Култура" има за цел да изгради среда за развитие на културния живот в столицата, като подкрепя реализирането на проекти в сферата на културата и изкуствата с висока художествена стойност, спомага за постигане на поголямо разнообразие и динамика в културния живот на София, насърчава реализирането на проекти с фокус върху обществено значими теми и проблеми, привлича за участие гражданите в културния живот.